Running by Dawn
Exploring the joys of running and how it can not only be a great form of exercise but an adventure and journey throughout your life. Join Coach Dawn Pederson in this adventure to help you find the joy and thrill of running, throughout your life.
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Running by Dawn
Race Day!
Training is a day in and day out kind of experience. Get out there, put in the miles, go home and go on with your day. Race day...that's something different. From preparing for weeks and months to preparing the days before, running the race, and celebrating after, race day is a day that brings a new level of both anxiety and triumph. Why sign up and step up to the starting line? Come find out!
Join my mailing list! Just sent a quick email to with the title "Email List" and I'll add you to my list. Emails feature upcoming episodes, running tips, upcoming coaching services and products, and more...
Find me on Facebook: Dawn Running
Also, check out my blog, Running By Dawn
Music written and recorded by Jeremy Hancock